Saturday 23 April 2016

Wherever you look there are Bards....

'God has given you one face, and you make yourself another'

William Shakespeare

Two posts ago I wrote about St Brigid. A mighty woman.  Her feast day is 1 February, also the pagan festival Imbolc, the first day of Spring. This year the season of Spring – the feast of Imbolc – of Brigid - began beautifully in Connemara with blue skies and wind.

Today, another beautiful Spring day,  it is the feastday  of William Shakespeare.  What a delighteful way to celebrate his anniversary than to come across these two giants on Youtube. 

These men will, when they wish,  effortlessly quote the bard.  These men are friends of Brigid, of the mystics, of the Dali Lama.  I can see these guys wandering effortlessly along Connemara shores with Brigid and the Bard.

Happy Shakespeare Day!

Listen to two wise men here: KEATING & SCHACHTER